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February Sadhana is a 4 week course, comprising of 4x 75 minute classes, designed for those who have been practicing physical yoga (asana), but would like to delve into the magic behind the poses; the philosophical background of this beautiful practice that has helped so many over this pandemic, in many different ways.



Sadhana means committed practice, dedication to knowledge and personal development!



It will introduce philosophical themes such as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the 8-limbed approach, (of which asana is only one), and dip our toes into the energy body.



The classes will still be 70-80% physical postures, with the active part of the class inspired by Ashtanga and Hatha yoga, which are both traditional forms of yoga.



The classes will be intermediate level, perhaps more physically challenging than my other drop in classes, but as always, modifications can be made, and you can rest any time!!

Ideally, you will sign up for the whole course. This is what Sadhana is all about- a commitment to practice.

The course will still be donation based. 20% will be diverted to charities TBC. On the booking form there are some suggested donations. There are a couple of donation options that give access to my other weekly classes, which will further develop your Sadhana- your committed practice. 

I hope you choose to join me in honouring the theory behind the practice! This is only a tiny millimetre of what is an ocean of knowledge passed down lovingly by generations of yogis from many different lineages, and I am grateful to have access to this magical ancient yoga technology, and to keep learning more and more! I am certainly not an expert, but in my trainings, courses and through my own study I've discovered fascinating things that I would love to share.

Lots of love!

Outline subject to change....

6th Feb- Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

13th Feb- 8- Limbs

20th Feb- A brief intro to the Energetic Body- Pranamaya Kosha

27th Feb- Closing, bringing together knowledge, crafting your own Sadhana, committing to your personal practice.

Created by Love Club

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